5 tips to keep eyes healthy for expectant momRead 7,346
Expectant moms know their bodies will change in many ways during pregnancy, Also their eyes and vision change as well. During pregnancy, Her hormone levels fluctuate and blood pressure varies. All of these changes can affect eyes and vision because a woman's body will retain water and blood volume increases.For example, vision may occasionally become slightly blurry for a short time. Eyes may become dry or more irritated. And the fluid retention can change the shape of the cornea. That causes expectant women have changed the slightly vision more nearsighted than before pregnancy.
Most of these vision changes are temporary but some may point to a health problem that needs immediate attention for mom and baby's health. Especially, pregnant related high blood pressure called “preeclampsia” which can be dangerous signaled to vision problems as follows;
♦blurry vision
♦double vision
♦temporary vision loss
♦seeing new floaters (lines, dots, specks)
♦seeing flashing lights
♦light sensitivity
If you have any of these vision problems during pregnancy, please see the doctor right away.
5 tips to keep eyes healthy for expectant mom
1. Diminish dry eye
•For relief from dry eyes, please see the doctor before using dry eye solutions because some solution may contain chemicals that could be harmful during pregnancy.
•If you wear contact lens, wearing them for shorter periods or change to wear glasses while you are pregnant. It can help eyes feel less dry.
•To blink often, especially when using a computer or smart-phone.
2. Reduce swelling eye
Retaining water while pregnant can lead to puffiness around the eyes. Sometimes, it can limit your peripheral or side vision. To reduce the swelling, applying cold compresses over your closed eyes (such as a clean, wet washcloth with cold water or a cool gel pack).
3. Let your eye doctor know you are expecting
Please let your eye doctor know you are pregnant. In certain cases, doctor may avoid using dilating eye drops or other tests.
4. Pregnant with diabetes having extra eye exams
Pregnancy can worsen a condition called diabetic retinopathy which diabetes will damage blood vessels in eye's retina. For saving your sight, have to check your eyes more frequently during pregnancy so any changes can be detected and treated right away.
5. Pregnant with glaucoma have to need a medication adjustment
Pregnancy can affect your eye pressure. The doctor may be possible to lower your glaucoma drug dosage, which means your baby is exposed to less medicine.